AntWrites has Moved!

Posted on March 13, 2011


We're mosying on down... NOTICE! WE HAVE NOW MOVED!

We have moved to a dedicated server, so our address is no longer

We are now at !

You can visit that website now, it will work, and we are officially there since Sunday March 13, 2011. (Which means all posts and comments will be on at the new location. This wordpress blog will no longer be updated. (Although I may check it from time to time). All RSS feeds are moved as well.

WE apologize for any shenanigans, nonsense and foolishness this may have caused. 😉 It’s a good thing it’s early in this blog’s life, so there won’t be too many growing pains.

There notice will be on the front page of the  wordpress site just in case you forget

God bless and enjoy the ride.

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